Things No One Tells You About Essay Writing

Essay Writing
Essay writing is not that difficult as some people make it out to be. If you can write sensible sentences and string them together, you can write an essay that can easily get you passing numbers in most subjects. But if you are willing to up the game and write more professional and meaningful essays that will get your teachers raving, you need to start working on your skills by getting assistance from essay writing services. Skills like writing, vocabulary, research, etc. But we’re not here to talk about that, what we want to give you are a few tips that can give you an extra edge over all the other competition, be it your class or whatever. And these are the tips essay writing that your teacher might not tell you either.
  • When starting an essay. Never do so with a quote. By quote we mean lines or quotations by well known people or otherwise. In fact try not to include a quote anywhere in your essay, unless it is an absolute necessity. Essay has a very limited count and writing quotations gives an impression that you are just trying to fill in the word count. Using your own words leaves a much better impression and gives off a professional vibe to the reader.
  • Everyone knows that essay writing consists of the topic and the point of essay, the main body paragraph, and the conclusion. What most people don’t realize is that the main body paragraph does not have to be a single paragraph. It can be split in to multiple paragraphs to include or describe multiple ideas. So the general idea would be to write a whole idea in one paragraph, then if you have another idea, start a new paragraph, and so on. Just make sure that these paragraphs are just not one or two liners, and meet the requirement of a basic paragraph at least.
  • Do not give any strong opinions on the topic that you’re writing about. Keep it low key and just derive to a conclusion. This can be done in a very subtle and low tone way. Do not go on and present your own ideas on how certain things should and shouldn’t be. And whatever you do, do not discuss and do not start a pointless argument on wither religion or war. Even if the topic demands either of these, you just beat around the bush about it. Because you never know how the checker feels about the topic and how they will react. Get some help from essay writing services to figure out how they do it best. That would be the perfect learning example.
  • The end of the last paragraph from main body should lead towards essay conclusion. Once at the conclusion, make sure you do not start any new arguments or debate. Conclusion should be about ending the essay and not leaving any open ended questions or debates.

Now we hope that you take in to account all this tips at your next essay writing and get an edge over others.

Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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